What I am Packing in My Hospital Bag

I am two weeks away! I am officially almost done packing my hospital bag! I never realized how many things you have to prepare for your hospital stay and think ahead because you never know when the baby might come! I am really hoping the baby is born close to its due date but I am already ready just in case. Here are a couple of things on my hospital bag check list. To get my exclusive and detailed hospital check list, enter your email in the box below.

Estoy a dos semanas de parir! Oficialmente ya casi termino de empacar mi maleta para el hospital! Nunca me di cuenta de cuántas cosas tienes que preparar para tu estancia en el hospital y realmente pensar a futuro porque nunca sabes cuándo puede venir el bebé. Espero que el bebé nazca cerca de su fecha pero ya estoy preparada por si acaso. Aquí hay un par de cosas en mi lista de cosas que tengo que empacar para el hospital. Para recibir mi lista de exclusiva y detallada de que empacar para el hospital, regístrese con su correo electrónico en el espacio abajo.

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  1. Laura
    June 22, 2017 / 2:02 pm

    Hi Paola. Wishing you the best in your soon baby delivery. You’re definitely packing good stuff in your baby bag. Something I think you will find useful is some good snacks. Sometimes cafeterias take too long to deliver your meals or don’t always have the best snacks… I remember being really hungry, and all they had for me at the time was pb&j sandwich until meal time.

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