30 Tips For Traveling with a Baby

mom and son in airplane

Preparation is everything!

Traveling with a child is a whole ordeal. In the past year, we have traveled with Enzo several times, even as an infant. As you may have noticed on social media, we recently took him with us on his longest trip yet: Paris! He did so well on the flight but thankfully, we already had some practice taking him on flights before, so we kind of knew how to prepare. Here are some of the things I have learned when traveling with a child!

La preparación es todo!

Viajar con un niño es otra cosa. En el último año, hemos viajado con Enzo varias veces. Como habrán notado en las redes sociales, recientemente lo llevamos con nosotros en su viaje más largo hasta ahora: ¡París! Se portó muy bien en el vuelo, pero afortunadamente, ya teníamos algo de práctica para llevarlo en vuelos, así que supimos cómo prepararnos. ¡Estas son algunas de las cosas que he aprendido cuando viajo con un niño!

1. Leave to the airport on time!

I have to admit that when I travel alone, I barely make it to the airport with time to spare/. I hate waiting. But, when I travel with Enzo, like it or not, I need to have time. You never know how things will go packing up the stroller, going through TSA and having them check the milk etc. Leave with more time to spare than you think you’ll need. This one is a no-brainer.

Tengo que admitir que cuando viajo sola, apenas llego al aeropuerto con tiempo de sobra. Odio esperar. Pero, cuando viajo con Enzo, aunque me guste o no, necesito tener tiempo. Nunca sabes cómo irán las cosas empacando la carriola, pasando por TSA y que te chequen la leche, etc. Váyanse con más tiempo de lo que creen que necesitarán!

2. Get new toys.

Buy some new toys to introduce tp them on the plane and take them out one by one so they stay entertained longer.

Compren algunos juguetes nuevos para introducirlos en el avión y sáquenlos uno por uno para que se entretengan más tiempo.

3. Don’t forget the snacks.

Right now, Enzo loves Puffs. They are similar to Cheerios. Even I eat them sometimes and he is easily entertained for a long time.

Ahorita, Enzo ama los Puffs. Son similares a los Cheerios. Incluso, hasta yo me los como a veces y se entretiene fácilmente durante mucho tiempo.

4. Take a carrier and a car seat.

Check in the car seat at the gate not when checking in your luggage because sometimes you can take it on the plane and it can be useful especially if you are traveling alone!

No facturen el car seat con su equipaje. Llévenselo a la puerta ya al abordar porque a veces puedes llevarlo en el avión si hay espacio y puede ser útil, especialmente si viajas solo.

5. Pick your seats.

When traveling with your partner, try to get a window seat and an aisle seat and most times no one will get the middle seat. It’s a risk but sometimes its worth it and if someone does end up in the middle, most likely they won’t mind switching with one of you.

Cuando viajes con tu pareja, trata de escoger un asiento junto a la ventana y un asiento de pasillo, y la mayoría de las veces nadie va a escoger el asiento de en medio. Es un riesgo, pero a veces vale la pena y si alguien termina en medio de ustedes, lo más probable es que no le importe cambiar con uno de ustedes.

6. 2-in-1

Take a carrier that converts into a high chair. Not every country is as baby friendly. While in Paris, not every place we went to had high chairs so this product was very convenient.

Compren un portador de bebés que se convierta en una silla alta. No todos los países ofrecen sillas para los bebés. Mientras estuvimos en París, no todos los lugares a los que fuimos tenían sillas altas, y en esos momentos, este producto fue muy conveniente.

7. Melatonin.

We give Enzo melatonin to calm him down especially on long flights. It’s all natural and relaxes and calms him down. These are the ones we use.

Le damos a Enzo melatonina para calmarlo especialmente en vuelos largos. Es completamente natural y lo relaja y lo calma. Estos son los que usamos.

8. Fly business.

When possible, flying business really is a life saver, especially with babies. You have more room and you and your baby will be more comfortable. If it’s a transatlantic flight, you can both sleep comfortably. You will arrive in a better mood, trust me.

Cuando sea posible, volar en business realmente es una maravilla, especialmente con bebés. Tienes más espacio y tu y tu bebé estarán más cómodos. Si se trata de un vuelo transatlántico, los dos pueden dormir cómodamente. Llegarás de mejor humor a tu destino.

9. Opt for day flights

I always prefer to take a day flight even though Enzo will be awake and probably more fussy just because I feel like on red eye flights or night flights there are more business people who want to sleep and I just want to be as mindful as others as I can.

Si se puede, prefiero tomar un vuelo de día a pesar de que Enzo estará despierto y probablemente más inquieto pero siento que en los vuelos nocturnos hay más gente de negocio que quiere dormir y quiero ser consciente de los demás.

10. Fly back on a Saturday

Taking a flight home, especially with layovers and babies is rough and exhausting. The last thing you want is flying in on a Sunday and having to work and be functioning on Monday. You need a day to recuperate from the journey.

El vuelo de vuelta, especialmente con escalas y bebés es duro y agotador. Lo último que quieres es volar un domingo y tener que trabajar y estar funcionando temprano el lunes. Necesitas un día para recuperarte del viaje por eso prefiero regresar en sábado si es posible.

11. Lysol is your best friend

Make sure to take anti-bacterial wipes! Airports and airplanes are gross. Don’t be embarrassed to wipe down your seats, especially if you have an infant or toddler who constantly puts their hands in their mouth.

¡Asegúrense de llevarse toallitas antibacteriales! Los aeropuertos y los aviones son asquerosos. Que no les de pena limpiar sus asientos, especialmente si tienen un bebé o un niño que constantemente se meten las manos a la boca!

12. Pack Extra Formula

Flying is very dehydrating and you can’t expect that your baby will be on their usual schedule. It’s a good idea to bring some extra formula and then you can always ask for water on the plane.

Volar es muy deshidratante y no puedes esperar que tu bebé vaya a estar en su horario normal. Es una buena idea traer más fórmula de lo que normalmente toma tu bebé y luego siempre puedes pedir agua en el avión.

13. Always be Prepared

Thermometer, nasal spray, Tylenol. These are basics that need to go in your purse or carry-on. Arriving somewhere new and having to look for a pharmacy is a pain and you never know how your baby will feel or react when traveling on a plane.

Termómetro, aerosol nasal, Tylenol. Estas son cosas básicas que debes meter en tu bolsa o equipaje de mano. Llegar a un lugar nuevo y tener que buscar una farmacia es un dolor de cabeza y nunca sabes cómo se sentirá o reaccionará tu bebé cuando viaje en un avión.

14. Diapers

I usually take a packet full of diapers and once I finish it, then I will just buy some more wherever I am but that should be enough to survive for a couple of days.

Normalmente, me llevo un paquete lleno de pañales y una vez que se acabe, compraré un poco más donde sea que esté, pero eso debería ser suficiente para sobrevivir varios días.

15. Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help

It can be so hectic, especially if you are traveling alone. Don’t be afraid to ask the stewardess to hold your baby if you need some help. I’ve definietly done that.

Puede ser tan caótico, especialmente si viajas sola. Que no les de pena pedirle ayuda a la azafata hasta pedir que sostenga a tu bebé si necesitas ayuda. Definitivamente he hecho eso.

16. Buy a Traveling Bag to put your Car Seat in

I am assuming that the airplane’s storage is not the cleanest space ever. They just throw in everything with all the other luggage in the airplane’s storage so I put my car seat in a traveling bag so that my baby’s car seat doesn’t get too dirty and full of germs.

Supongo que donde guardan todas las maletas en el avión no es el espacio más limpio que haya existido. Tiran todo con el resto del equipaje de toda la gente así que meto mi car seat en una bolsa especial para que no se ensucie demasiado.

17. Buy a Portable Sterilizer

This is a must! It’s small and compact and you can sterilize the pacifier and the bottle nipples anywhere you are. Seriously a life saver.

¡Esto es esencial! Es chico y compacto y puede esterilizar el chupón y las botellas en cualquier lugar que estes. 

18. Get a Pacifier Holder

Why do babies love to throw everything? Get a pacifier holder so you don’t have to disinfect the pacifier 150 times a day. If they do throw it on the floor, I use these wipes.

¿Por qué a los bebés les encanta tirar todo? Compren este producto para el chupón para que no tengas que desinfectarlo 150 veces al día cada vez que lo tiran. Si lo tiran al piso, yo uso estas toallitas.

19. Travel with an Insulated Water Bottle

Passing security, I go to a Starbucks and ask them to fill my bottle with hot water. It stays hot, and once on the plane, I use half hot water and half regular temperature water so that his bottle is the perfect temperature.

Al pasar por seguridad, voy a un Starbucks y les pido que llenen mi botella con agua caliente. Permanece caliente, y una vez en el avión, uso agua un poco de agua caliente y un poco de agua a temperatura normal para que su botella tenga la temperatura perfecta.

20. Taking Off and Landing

I always make sure to give Enzo a bottle at take off and landing. When it’s not time for feeding I make sure he is sucking on water or his pacifier so that it helps with his ears. There are some babies that are more sensitive than others. I’ve never seen any signs of Enzo being uncomfortable or having issues with his ears popping, but I do it just to be safe.

Siempre me aseguro de darle a Enzo una botella en el despegue y el aterrizaje. Cuando no es hora de que tome su leche, me aseguro de que esté chupando agua o su chupón para que le ayude con los oidos. Hay algunos bebés que son más sensibles que otros. Nunca he visto signos de que Enzo se sienta incómodo o tenga problemas con los oidos, pero lo hago solo para estar evitar problemas.

21. Teething

It’s never a fun thing for your baby and especially on a plane where they are confined. Take teething toys and teething medication to soothe them and hopefully, avoid having them cry all the flight.

La incomodidad de cuando les están saliendo los dientes nunca es agradable para un bebé y mucho en un avión donde casi no se pueden mover. Lleven juguetes para la dentición y medicamentos para calmarlos y, con suerte, evitar que lloren durante todo el vuelo.

22. Sippy cup

Don’t forget the sippy cup!  Remember it can be dehyradting on the plane so you want to have lots of options to keep your baby hydrated.

No se les olvide su botella para que estén tomando agua, jugo etc. para mantenerlos hidratados!

23. Gadgets

We recently purchased this tablet for Enzo and the cool part is that you can download movies and videos beforehand and watch offline. We downloaded Frozen and an Elmo sing-a-long video and we got him some headphones so as to not disturb other people. It’s a cool gadget because it grows with them and they will be entertained for a long time!

Recientemente compramos esta tableta para Enzo y lo mejor de todo es que puedes descargar películas y videos de antemano y verlos sin conexión. Descargamos Frozen y un video de Elmo y le compramos audífonos para no molestar a otras personas. 

24. The perfect traveling stroller

I feel like every time I travel I talk about this stroller but it seriously is the best. The Baby Yoyo Zen. It’s convenient, lightweight and its compatible to my Nuna car seat.

Siempre que viajo les platico sobre la carriola que uso para viajar. La Baby Yoyo Zen. Es lo máximo les juro. Fácil de usar y no pesa mucho.

25. Airbnb

We have traveled to hotels as well as airbnbs with Enzo and we have come to realize that Airbnb’s are just a lot more convenient. We have more space, Enzo can crawl around more, we can wash his things with more ease. It’s like being at home which makes things a lot easier.

Hemos viajado a hoteles y airbnbs con Enzo y nos hemos dado cuenta de que Airbnb es mucho más conveniente. Tenemos más espacio, Enzo puede gatear más, podemos lavar sus cosas con más facilidad. Es como estar en casa, lo que hace las cosas mucho más fáciles.

26. Elevators

If you are staying in an Airbnb apartment, make sure the building has an elevator!! It’s something you might not even think of and then you get there and you are on the 6th floor. Good luck.

Si se van a quedar en un apartamento de Airbnb, asegúrense de que el edificio tenga elevador. Es algo en lo que quizás ni siquiera pienses y luego llegas y estás en el sexto piso. Buena suerte.

27. He eats what we eat.

This is something we have always done. Wherever we go, we always ask for the same type of food for Enzo instead of asking for specific things. It’s good to introduce him to new foods and if he is eating what you are eating it’s just easier and usually healthier than a “kid’s menu.”

Que el coma lo que ustedes comen. Esto es algo que siempre hemos hecho. Donde sea que vayamos, siempre pedimos el mismo tipo de comida para Enzo en lugar de pedir cosas específicas. Es bueno presentarles nuevos alimentos y si está comiendo lo que están comiendo ustedes, es simplemente más fácil y generalmente más sano que lo que hay en los “menú de niños.”

28. Diapers on a Plane

To be honest, airplane bathrooms are super gross. It’s really convenient when Hector and I have the whole row or we are flying business because I can just change him on my lap. If there is someone next me and it’s a quick diaper change (#1) I just ask the person if it’s ok with them and they usually don’t mind.

La verdad, los baños de los aviones me dan mucho asco. Es muy conveniente cuando Hector y yo tenemos toda la fila o estamos volando en business porque puedo cambiarlo encima de mis piernas. Si hay alguien a mi lado y es un cambio rápido de pañal (#1), solo le pregunto a la persona si no les molesta y generalmente no les importa.

29. Non-stop vs Layover

I personally like non-stops because that way you avoid having to go up and down especially and deal with the whole ear pressure situation. But, when the flight time is over 10 hours, sometimes it is worth it to stretch your legs and give your baby a chance to crawl around.

Personalmente me gustan los viajes sin paradas porque de esa manera evitas tener que subir y bajar y lidiar con toda la situación de la presión del oído. Pero, cuando el tiempo del vuelo es de más de 10 horas, a veces vale la pena estirar las piernas y darle a tu bebé la oportunidad de gatear.

30. Jet-Lag

The first couple of days, your baby is going to be jet-lagged. Just let them sleep whenever they want to sleep so that they don’t feel sick. Be flexible and eventually they will catch up to the schedule.

El primer par de días, tu bebé tendrá jet-lag. Déjenlos dormir cada vez que quieran dormir para que no se sientan enfermos. Sean flexibles y eventualmente se acostumbrará al cambio de horario.

baby in front of Eiffel tower

mom and son playing on beach




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    Traveling with a baby can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be a bit daunting for new parents. That’s why Blank Itinerary Is Virgin Voyages All Inclusive has compiled a list of 30 helpful tips to make your journey as smooth and stress-free as possible. From packing essentials like diapers and baby wipes to choosing the right travel gear, these tips cover everything you need to know to ensure your baby is safe, happy, and comfortable on your next trip.

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  47. lisa
    January 20, 2024 / 6:23 am

    Beyond the tangible aspects of travel, there is an intangible magic that lies in the connections forged with fellow travelers and the local communities we encounter. Shared stories, laughter, and the exchange of ideas create a tapestry of human connections that transcend geographical boundaries. Whether it’s a chance encounter with a kindred spirit in a hostel or a heartwarming interaction with locals in a remote village, these connections become the threads that weave the fabric of our travel narratives.TOUR EUROPE

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    Sri Lanka is also home to the Sinharaja Forest Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the last viable primary tropical rainforest on the island. This Sri Lanka tour Experts lush sanctuary is a haven for endemic species, including the purple-faced langur and the Sri Lankan leopard.

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  72. July 9, 2024 / 2:32 am

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  73. July 9, 2024 / 10:59 pm

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  74. July 14, 2024 / 11:28 pm

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  75. July 16, 2024 / 2:37 am

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  76. July 17, 2024 / 2:39 am

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  79. lisa
    July 23, 2024 / 8:42 am

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  83. August 3, 2024 / 2:47 am

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  84. August 5, 2024 / 3:57 am

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  85. Chad
    August 5, 2024 / 10:29 am

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    Your company’s operations can be completely changed by putting ระบบ erp (Enterprise Resource Planning) into practice. It increases productivity and data integrity by combining multiple departments, including supply chain, HR, and finance, into a single system. ERP solutions improve overall effectiveness and promote firms in making well-informed decisions through optimized procedures and real-time analytics. Ask questions or share your experiences regarding the effects of ERP on your company.

  87. August 17, 2024 / 2:00 am

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    August 21, 2024 / 2:24 am

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  90. August 30, 2024 / 12:29 am

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  91. September 3, 2024 / 3:10 am

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  92. September 6, 2024 / 5:11 am

    These tips are super helpful! I especially appreciate the advice on packing extra formula and using a travel bag for the car seat. Traveling with a baby can be overwhelming, so these practical suggestions make a big difference. Thanks for sharing your experiences and insights!

  93. September 24, 2024 / 5:50 am

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  94. September 24, 2024 / 5:57 am

    I recently read your blog about traveling, and I completely agree that traveling with children can come with a lot of challenges. Managing their needs, especially during long trips, can be overwhelming. However, I wanted to mention that Mallshark offers a wide range of baby products that can make traveling much easier. From comfortable strollers to essential baby care items, you can find everything in one place, making it a lot more convenient for parents on the go!

  95. October 1, 2024 / 5:12 am

    Filing US taxes for expats in Dubai can be challenging due to the complex tax regulations that apply to Americans living abroad. Expats must still report worldwide income, but when filing US taxes for expats in Dubai , there are deductions and credits like the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and Foreign Tax Credit that help minimize tax liability. Professional tax services can simplify the process, ensuring compliance with US laws and maximizing benefits. If you’re a US expat in Dubai, consider reaching out to an expert to navigate your tax obligations smoothly.

  96. October 3, 2024 / 12:05 am

    I am really happy with my results since I started using Organic Biotin Powder recently! My skin, nails, and hair have all felt a lot better since taking this vitamin. Known as vitamin B7, organic biotin powder is needed for increasing metabolism and stimulating cell growth. In addition to feeling bigger and healthier, I have found that my nails are stronger. It also maintains the suppleness and moisture of the skin. You must give it a try if you’re searching for a natural way to improve your beauty routine!

  97. October 4, 2024 / 5:05 am

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