5 Things I do in the Mornings to be More Productive

No need to dread mornings!

I have to admit, I used to not be a morning person at all. Getting up in the morning used to be painful for me. Now that I am a mom, waking up at 7 am is sleeping in. I love taking advantage of mornings and have found that whether you have a 9-5 job, or you work from home or you are a student or a stay-at-home parent, we can all make our mornings more productive! Here are some tips that I have found work for me!

1. Eliminate decision-making tasks in the morning.

To be more productive in the morning and for the day not to seem so daunting, it’s always a good idea to prepare the evening before. Plan out the little things that just take time out of your morning like what you are going to wear, what you are having for breakfast and what you are taking to the office for lunch, for example.

2. Have a morning ritual

Whatever it is you do or whatever a regular day may look like for you, I feel like it’s good to have a morning ritual. Do something quick in the morning that you enjoy. Whether that is taking a few minutes to meditate or read a couple of pages of a book, or even surf the internet, take some time in the morning for you. Make it a habit and it will make your morning a lot more enjoyable and get you in a more positive state of mind.

3. Drink water before your coffee

If you are like me, you absolutely need coffee in the morning. Sometimes, I try to cut back but let’s be real, it goes beyond the physical need, it’s also mental. There is something comforting about drinking coffee in the morning that gets you in the mood to start the day. However, try drinking a glass of water before your coffee. Add some lemon to it. It will hydrate you before you consume coffee, a diuretic, which dehydrates you. Staying hydrated is important as it gives you longer- lasting energy!

4. Exercise

I know. Getting up early to exercise, especially if you work regular office hours, is difficult. However, it is amazing how much energy and motivation working out in the morning can give you. Maybe start a small at-home routine you can do at home before you start your day. It can be yoga, or maybe a couple of weight repetitions. Exercise is a stress reliever, it will boost your energy, improve your mood and can even help your mental health and make you feel productive and motivated. If you simply cannot bring yourself to fit this into your morning routine, try working out on your lunch break instead. It will give you that mid-day energy boost you need!

5. Tackle the biggest task of the day first

Don’t procrastinate on the task you are dreading the most. When you feel like you have something huge that still needs to be done, that will be weighing you down all day and you won’t be able to focus and efficiently tackle the next task. Plus, you are most energized and proactive in the morning when you are starting your day so get the important things done first!





  1. August 13, 2018 / 1:13 pm

    Working out in the morning is truly a game-changer! I didn’t understand how getting up even earlier and using a bunch of energy could somehow give me more energy throughout the day and make me feel more focused and productive, but it really does!

    I need to get better about the “making decisions the night before” tip. I am always frantically running around trying to pack my lunch and pick something to wear before I miss the trolley! Right now I’m pregnant though and only like 5 things fit so that’s been helping limit my choices hahahaha.

    xo Mary-Katherine

  2. August 14, 2018 / 7:38 am

    I always make sure I prep everything the night before – makes my mornings so much smoother! Love these tips xx

  3. Sumbul Amir
    August 16, 2018 / 11:03 pm

    Drinking water empty stomach is so good for skin.

  4. August 19, 2018 / 9:15 am

    Love this post! I really struggle with morning motivation so I will definitely be practicing these tips in the coming week!

    Thanks for sharing x

  5. InesI
    August 19, 2018 / 12:07 pm

    Love this!… I’m not ‘moring person!… 🤦🏻‍♀️I’ll try to do this!… Thank you for your advise!…

  6. August 19, 2018 / 9:43 pm

    Totally agree! My first step is chug a giant glass of water, drink coffee while listening to an inspirational video & getting ready to leave for work! – i then sit in my car for 1 hour at my fav lookout & work on my blog and side hustle! I LOVE mornings! Check out my blog to see what else i do if you’re interested 🙂

  7. Sarah Cummings
    September 21, 2018 / 4:44 am

    I’m a big coffee drinker and love to savour my morning brew. However, that big glass of water before is a must!

  8. October 23, 2018 / 2:52 am

    Great tips, especially about drinking more water and getting your biggest task completed first. I often forget to take time to get in my daily water intake, plus like you say, not having it before a coffee does leave you quite dehydrated! https://www.chrisryankingston.com

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  12. Melissa Dorn
    September 10, 2024 / 6:20 am

    My mornings are key to a productive day. First, I wake up early to give myself plenty of time. Then, I plan out my tasks for the day. Third, I make sure to eat a healthy breakfast for energy. Next, I take a few minutes to stretch or exercise. Finally, I review any assignments or use essay services online for help with difficult ones. These steps keep me organized and ready to tackle the day!

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