Step Inside My Family Room!

My family room is officially done!
Ok, so I have had an epiphany. Yes, I am good at styling outfits and have a good eye for that kind of thing, but when it comes to home decor, I have come to accept I might not be a natural. I’ve definitely gotten better but it’s just so hard and I get very stressed and overwhelmed especially when I have to start from scratch! When I moved in to my new home and it was literally empty I was so overwhelmed and I was like 7 months pregnant! I seriously could not have done it without Havenly. I used them for my family, living and dining room and they saved me from a mental break down.

They make it so easy and even fun! You choose your own personal interior designer that will help you through the whole process and its a one-on-one conversation from there until you are done and satisfied with the end result! I worked with Shelby and she is truly a genius. She transformed my empty house to Pinterest-worthy levels. You can tell them what your budget is and they will make it work because they work with all kind of retailers from IKEA to Restoration Hardware, West Elm etc.

One of my good friends (the creator of Parpala Jewelry…you all always ask me about the horn necklace I wear) just moved in to a new apartment and I told her about the service and she is loving it! I feel like a lot of people might not know about but I swear by them. Now that the 1st floor of my house is done, I can’t wait to get started on the upstairs!

P.S.–> USe promo code BLANKITIN20 for 20% off your first full room design!! You are going to love it!!!

¡La sala familiar de mi casa está oficialmente terminada! Ok, tengo que admitir he tenido una epifanía. Sí, soy buena para la moda y tengo buen ojo para ese tipo de cosas, pero cuando se trata de la decoración he llegado a aceptar que tal vez no se me viene naturalmente. Definitivamente he mejorado, pero es muy difícil y a veces me siento muy estresada y abrumada, especialmente cuando tengo que empezar de cero. Cuando me mudé a mi nueva casa y estaba literalmente vacía, ¡estaba tan estresada al tener que empezar de cero y con 7 meses de embarazada! En serio, no podría haberlo hecho sin Havenly. Los usé para mi sala familiar y comedor y me salvaron de un colapso mental.

¡Lo hacen tan fácil e incluso divertido! ¡Eliges tu diseñador de interiores personal que te ayudará durante todo el proceso y desde ahí es una conversación individual hasta que hayas terminado y estés satisfecho con el resultado final! Trabajé con Shelby y ella realmente es una genia. Ella transformó mi casa vacía a niveles dignos de Pinterest. Puedes decirles cuál es tu presupuesto y lo harán funcionar porque trabajan con todo tipo de marcas desde IKEA a Restoration Hardware, West Elm, etc.

Una de mis buenas amigas (la creadora de Parpala Jewelry … siempre me preguntan sobre el collar de cuerno que llevo) acaba de mudarse a un nuevo departamento y le conté sobre el servicio y ¡a ella le encanta! Siento que mucha gente no lo conoce pero en serio me salvo la vida. Ahora que el primer piso de mi casa está hecho, ¡no puedo esperar para decorar el segundo piso!

P.D.–> Código de promoción! Usa el código BLANKITIN20 para un 20% de descuento en su primer diseño de habitación completa !! ¡¡¡Les va a encantar!!!

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  1. Nezlly
    November 15, 2017 / 2:28 pm

    I love it !! I love the theme and the color scheme, 👌🏻

  2. Nereyda
    November 15, 2017 / 6:01 pm

    Hermoso todo, también acabos de comprar casa me gusta tu estilo pero con un poco de toque moderno espero y compartir las fotos a ver qué opinión me das lisnsa noches … bendiciones y saludos desde Tijuana

  3. Jennifer Ortiz
    July 23, 2018 / 7:58 am

    I was wondering where did you get the window blinds from? Love this decor!

  4. Adriana
    December 18, 2019 / 7:18 am

    Que hermoso es Enzo. Adoro el estilo de tu casa ❤️

  5. June 16, 2021 / 3:31 pm

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  6. December 22, 2021 / 2:55 am

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  18. August 28, 2023 / 6:15 am

    Here are some tips to keep the room organized and welco완도출장샵ming for all your guests. The family should be able to stay organized and enjoy spending time in this space. The family should have a good flow in the space, and it should be comfortable and inviting. Luckily, there are a lot of easy and affordable ways to make this happen.

  19. November 17, 2023 / 4:55 pm

    I can totally relate to feeling overwhelmed when trying to decorate a home from scratch! It’s such an enormous task to take on, especially while pregnant. Kudos to you for recognizing that home decor isn’t your strongest suit and seeking help from the professionals at Havenly. It’s amazing that they were able to transform your space into something Pinterest-worthy – that personal designer touch and customization is so valuable. And it’s genius that they work with retailers at different price points to make it affordable. I’ll have to keep Havenly in mind for when I’m ready to tackle decorating my own place. It’s awesome you were able to pass along the recommendation to your friend as well. Home decor can be daunting, but with the right guidance it doesn’t have to be!

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    October 22, 2024 / 5:24 pm

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    Panic set in as I grasped the severity of my situation. Without the keys, I was locked out of my funds, and the fear of losing everything was overwhelming. I reached out to a few local experts, hoping they could assist me, but to my dismay, none could help. It felt like a hopeless situation until I stumbled upon Lee Ultimate Hacker while browsing an online cryptocurrency forum. Their expertise and positive reviews gave me a glimmer of hope.
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    The relief I felt at that moment was indescribable. It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I could finally access my Bitcoin again, and it felt like a miracle had happened. Lee Ultimate Hacker truly exceeded my expectations with their professionalism and dedication.
    If you’ve ever thought you lost access to your fortune, I wholeheartedly recommend Lee Ultimate Hacker. They are the experts who can help retrieve what you thought was gone forever. Their skills and persistence turned my nightmare into a success story, proving that no matter how dire the situation seems, there’s always hope on the horizon.

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