Something we all want for summer? To be tan. Something we all definitely don’t want? Sun damage. I take good care of my skin and though I love a good tan, I don’t want to risk getting sun spots, wrinkles or skin cancer for the sake of being tan. Sometimes I get an airbrush spray tan before events or vacations, but for a quick last-minute glow, I like to use a self-tanner. There are tons of them on the market, so to make your self-tanning goals easier, I’m narrowing it down to a few of my favorites!
¿Algo que todos queremos para el verano? Estar bronceados. ¿Algo que todos definitivamente no queremos? Daño del sol. En los últimos años, he aprendido a cuidarme mucho mejor mi piel y, aunque me encanta el buen bronceado, no quiero arriesgarme a tener manchas de sol, arrugas o cáncer de piel por broncearme. A veces me hago “spray tans” antes de eventos o un viaje, pero para un resplandor rápido de último minuto, me gusta usar un auto-bronceador. Hay miles en el mercado, así que para facilitar sus metas de auto-bronceado este verano, ¡lo estoy reduciendo a algunos de mis favoritos!

If you’re new to self-tanning, a gradual tanner is the best way to go. My favorite is the St. Tropez Gradual Tan. It gives you a perfect, natural-looking tan and is super easy to use. Plus, it doesn’t have that typical self-tanner smell that I can’t stand. I recommend exfoliating the night before you use it and to keep it on for like 6 hours before showering or going in the pool.
Si eres nueva en el mundo de autobronceadores, un bronceador gradual es la mejor opción. Mi favorito es el bronceado gradual de St. Tropez. Te da un bronceado perfecto que se ve natural y es muy fácil de usar. Además, no tiene ese olor típico de autobronceador que no puedo soportar. Recomiendo exfoliar la noche antes de usarlo y dejártelo puesto durante aproximadamente 6 horas antes de bañarte o meterte a la alberca.
In my humble opinion, your outfits always look better when you are tan. There are times where I try something on and wish I could have a tan right away without needing to book a spray tan or waiting for a gradual self-tanner to work its magic. When I need an instant glow, I swear by the Vita Liberata Body Blur. This is more like a body makeup since it washes off once you shower. The best part is once you blend it in (either with a tanning mitt or foundation brush) it covers all your skin imperfections. I would just be careful because the color may transfer to light-colored clothes!
En mi opinion, todos tus outfits se ven mejor cuando estas bronceada. Hay momentos en los que me pongo algo, y quisiera poder broncearme instantáneamente sin tener que hacer una cita o usar un bronceador gradual que se tarda en ver resultados. Cuando necesito un brillo instantáneo, Vita Liberata Body Blur es lo máximo! Es más como un maquillaje corporal, ya que se lava una vez que te bañas. La mejor parte es que una vez que te lo embarras (ya sea con un guante de bronceado o una brocha maquillaje) cubre todas las imperfecciones de la piel. ¡Solo tengan cuidado porque el color puede manchar la ropa de colores claros!
If you’re like me, tanning your face probably gives you a little bit of anxiety. I’m much more sensitive on my face so I always make sure I’m using something I trust. Tan Luxe Face Illuminating Drops work great with your existing skincare routine. Just add a few drops of these to your moisturizer for a gradual, natural-looking tan.
Si eres como yo, broncearte la cara probablemente te da un poco de ansiedad. Soy mucho más sensible en mi cara, así que siempre me aseguro de usar algo en lo que confío. Las gotas iluminadoras faciales Tan Luxe funcionan muy bien con mi rutina de la piel. Solo le agrego unas gotas de este producto a mi crema para la cara para obtener un bronceado gradual y natural.
When you need to bring your tan on the go, tanning wipes are your most practical option. I like the Kate Somerville Self-Tanning Towelettes, which are great for your face and body. Use the wipes just like you would use a normal self-tanner and wait a few hours until the color develops.
Cuando necesites broncearse mientras viajas, las toallitas bronceadoras son la opción más práctica. Me gustan las Self-Tanning Towelettes de Kate Somerville, que son excelentes para tu cara y cuerpo. Usen las toallitas igual que usarían un autobronceador normal y esperen unas horas hasta que se desarrolle el color.
feature image via Into the Gloss
I love you blog since becoming a mom! Thanks!
Love all your bracelets & rings, would be great to see a blog on them. Pleaseeee! Have a lovely weekend my love
@zaramazhar #freebiefriday
Feliz Día de las madres 💐
I love the black swimsuit you’re wear in this blog.
IG: _priscillarose_
Your recommendations are great!! I swear by Charlotte Tilbury’s Bronze and Glow Face Mask 😉
Happy Mother’s Day!!
Feliz dia de las madres Paola💗💗
Ig: paolavicencio
I can’t believe how amazing your body is even after having Enzo 😮 Beautiful!
Justo cuando lo necesito jajaj, gracias por las recomendaciones Pau!! Siempre batallo para escoger un buen self-tanning, sobre todo por el olor que tienen o porque termino manchándome 😂🙄 pero es una necesidad para personas tan blancas (como yo) y más en verano #thestruggle. Btw, súper las toallitas!! Happy mother’s day!
Email: valeriabyn@gmail.com
Instagram: @valeriabayon
*Pao!! Jaj
This dress is perfect for my mama bod! #freebiefriday @lioness_k_
Happy Mother’s Day and I love being a mom as well! Never in a million years could I have imagined the love I have for my little boy. 💙💙💙 He is my whole world and all I want for Mother’s Day is to spend the entire day with him and say a new word to me.
IG: @iamkaren.p
Happy Mother’s Day and I love being a mom as well! Never in a million years could I have imagined the love I have for my little boy. 💙💙💙 He is my whole world and all I want for Mother’s Day is to spend the entire day with him and say a new word to me.
IG: @iamkaren.p
Thanks for the recommendations! I need to try them! 😍 & Feliz día de las madres! I think that the best Mother’s Day gift will be a day off, a spa day to relax since I am a mom 24/7, 7 days a week. 😝 I mean i love my little boy pero aveces se necesita un respiro haha 💆🏻♀️
Ig: _vickkyg
I’ve used the St. Tropez for the longest time now! Love to see the different products you use and too hope to try them soon!
Also, happy mother’s day 🌸
IG: vanetemelkovski
Email: Vanessa_t@live.ca
I’ve used the St. Tropez for the longest time now! Love to see the different products you use and too hope to try them soon! #FreebieFriday
Also, happy mother’s day 🌸
IG: vanetemelkovski
Email: Vanessa_t@live.ca
Feliz Día de las Madres Paola! En Panamá, día de las madres es el 8 de diciembre, fun fact! #freebiefriday
IG: @vicmcdonnell
The best Mother’s Day gift would be my husband to take care of everything for the day – wake up with baby, cook, feed, change diapers, you name it! 🙂 #FreebieFriday
Feliz Dia!!
IG: @florenciavp
¡Feliz día de las mamás y mamacitas! Como regalo a mi me encantaría un viajecin de fin de semana o una gift card para un spa ¡jaja!
Siempre que veo a Enzo me recuerda a mi niño porque se llevan un mes. Mi hijo cumple 2 años el siguiente finde. ¡Abrazos Pao! <3
IG: @thegoddessceoalchemy #FreebieFriday
I love following you since you became a mom! The best u could get this mother’s day is a day at the spa & a homemade meal from my hubby!
Instagram : lifewithilse
I swear by those Kaye Somerville tan towels for travel, too! I usually try to self-tan before a trip but sometimes time gets away from me what with packing and everything. So I always keep one in my suitcase just in case! Actually I am on the way to the airport now and this exact thing happened so I’ll be using one of those when we get to the hotel tonight!
Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend and feel so appreciated and loved!
It’s my first Mother’s Day and all I really want is a cheesy craft and to spend time with my boys! As a working mom, weekends are such a treasured time as a family!
xo Mary-Katherine
I’ve been wanting to try the St. Tropez Gradual Tanner! Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms! @adarst213
Oops! I forgot to use #FreebieFriday ! Sorry!
Feliz día Paola, goza este día !! Creo que el mejor regalo sería poder dormir una siesta y despertar a una casa ordenada!
IG – keniiag
Happy mother’s day !
Ig @okel_manon
Felíz día!!!! #freebiefriday
Best mothers Day gift is to have all three of my boys with me for the day❣️ Nothing better than family! Happy Mother’s Day! #FreebieFriday
IG besmck
Feliz día Paola♥
IG: xiomararocha
My legs need a fake tan! If only me teeth were as white as my legs 😂 Feliz Dia de las Madres! It’s amazing to be a Latina and celebrate all weekend long ❤️
Feliz día de las madres! Mi regalo ideal seria una ya que llevo casi 2 años con pañalera!
IG: larifergui
Hola Paola, feliz dia de las madres! 🌹
Soy mamá de 3 mujeres y soy la mas feliz! Me encantan tus blogs y tus instastories!
Me encantaria probar los bronceadores y me encanta ese saco negro que traes en la foto!
Gracias por los #FreebieFriday
Feliz Dia de las Madres, Paola! Love seeing you thrive as a new mommy with Enzo. He is just the cutest! I have one 8-year-old girl, time flies and I always miss that stage your baby boy is in now. As you know, as a mom the best gift we can get is our babies healthy and safe! Best gift I can get all year long. Hope you have a great Mothers day weekend! ❤️
IG: mjmz_37
Feliz día de las madres! Te saluda tu consuegra (mamá de María Paula futura novia de Enzo🤪) jajaja saludos✌🏻
I would love to win a beauty box for my momma 🐻 ❤️
Ig: victoriadominguez98
Feliz día de las madres Paola.
Ig: kathiap21
Feliz día de las madres Paola.
I truly admire how you have a heavy schedule and still be an awesome mom! Thankful for those spa days and
some good wine with hubby!
Happy Mother’s Day to all hard worker moms! 🌷
Happy Mother’s Day, Paola! I am seven months pregnant with my second child. The greatest gift I could have this mother’s day is enjoying time with my two year old son and husband. They are planting roses for me in our garden and I intend to sit on the porch and drink lemonade!
@karinakeough #FreebieFriday
Feliz Día de las Madres, yo como mamá aprecio cualquier regalo que me regalen en este día. Lo que cuenta es el detalle y mas esas carritas que hacen los niños en la escuela. Hoy mi hijo el mas pequeño me llego con una masetita y una cartita. #freebiefriday IG Marletdstyle
Everyone looks great tan, a healthy tan of course! Love your blogpost. #freebiefriday
IG: @nessaserrato
Email: nessaserrato@gmail.com
Feliz día de las madres Paola! Espero que lo disfrutes mucho con tu linda familia! Creo que mi mejor regalo será pasar todo el día con mi chiquitín al que adoro con el alma! Y gracias por las recomendaciones!
Ig: yolianny77
Sleeping in!!! ❤️
Vita Liberata is my fav!!! Perfect tan. Happy mother’s day!
IG: @sophietmeisenzahl
I love this post. I’m very pale so self tanning products are a must for me.
NEW POST/ http://www.oliviaschueller.com
Te admiro muchísimo como mujer. ¡Feliz día de las madres!
Instagram: @alevaldesg
Your tan looks so natural, I love it! Happy Mother’s Day! ❤️ #FreebieFriday
IG: @leashe_
Wow i hope one day I look half as you when I’m a mom! Happy mother’s day :).
@tvildoso #FreebieFriday
Half as good as you when I’m a mom. 😛
Happy mother’s day !!! I’m celebrating all weekend too! Los beneficios de ser mexicana 😍 !! Have an amazing mother’s day weekend !!! _annaromero_
Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day! I’m a mother of two adult children and a grandmother of a beautiful two year old girl! Special Education Teacher and work with TK-2nd grade students with special needs. I come home exhausted but I love what I do! I love helping my parents and other teachers! If I am selected, I would like expensive perfume and really nice comfortable shoes for work! #freebiefriday
Haz un post de high waisted bikinis! Mi tercer embarazo me saco estrias en el abdomen bajo 🙁
Hola Paola.
Feliz día de las madres. 😘
Muchas gracías por los recomendaciones de auto-bronceado.
Besos Carmen
@carmenjarawittich #freebiefriday
Super buenos tips para un auto bronceado.
Feliz día de las madres.
@anagloz7 #FreebieFriday
Nice products. Thanks for amazing tips. ♥️ Happy mother’s day to all mum’s in the world. Without mom’s we’re nothing. ♥️♥️ Love ya mom. ♥️♥️♥️ #FreebieFriday My IG is @sumbul_amir
Thank you for this post, I’ve been looking for a good self tan product and it’s so great to have your recommendation 😘
I was just talking to my roomie about all those tanning products there are and how lost we were!! Thanks for this post, will follow your recommendations!!😁
Feliz Dia de las Madres Pao!
This is a trend that i’m so hesitant to get into.
I feel like i’ll come out looking orange & blotchy! haha
But I”m ALL about the glow!
As a mom, the best gift would be a mother-daughter vacay <3
Preferably somewhere in the Caribbean playing int he ocean.
but a designer bag is a close second! HAHA
You look amazing! @jenxdrade #freebiefriday
Best Mother’s Day gift is just to see my kids happy and healthy.
Feliz día de las madres, me encanta tu blog y el blance que tienes entre trabajo, vida de mamá y esposa, siempre con humor y clase. Saludos
Loving your blog even more. Keep it up girl!
Oh my! Definitely going to check these out.
If you had to pick an absolute favorite from the list which one would it be?
Love all the great tips on self tanner! Thank you! Happy mother’s day 🙂 #freebiefriday @mamma.travelz
Haven’t tried any of these, but need some tanner for the upcoming summer!
you look beautiful love you!
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I swear by those Kaye Somerville tan towels for travel, too! I usually try to self-tan before a trip but sometimes time gets away from me what with packing and every서울출장샵thing. So I always keep one in my suitcase just in case! Actually I am on the way to the airport now and this exact thing happened so I’ll be using one of those when we get to the hotel tonight!
Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend and feel so appreciated and loved!
It’s my first Mother’s Day and all I really want is a cheesy craft and to spend time with my boys! As a working mom, weekends are such a treasured time as a family!
Me encanta este contenido sobre autobronceadores. Es muy completo y ofrece una variedad de opciones para principiantes y expertos.
Estoy de acuerdo con la autora en que un bronceador gradual es la mejor opción para principiantes. Es una forma segura de obtener un bronceado natural sin tener que preocuparse por manchas o tonos desiguales. El St. Tropez Gradual Tan es una excelente opción, ya que es fácil de usar y tiene un olor agradable.
También estoy de acuerdo en que un bronceador instantáneo puede ser útil para ocasiones especiales. El Vita Liberata Body Blur es una excelente opción, ya que cubre las imperfecciones de la piel y se lava fácilmente. Sin embargo, es importante tener cuidado con la transferencia de color a la ropa de colores claros.
Para el rostro, las gotas iluminadoras faciales Tan Luxe son una excelente opción. Son fáciles de usar y proporcionan un bronceado gradual y natural.
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This blog offers a summer glow guide for the sun-safety conscious, outlining four self-tanner types: gradual (perfect for beginners, like the St. Tropez Gradual Tan for its natural look and lack of odor), instant (ideal for last-minute needs, with the Vita Liberata Body Blur praised for covering imperfections and easy removal), face (Tan Luxe Face Illuminating Drops are gentle and integrate with your routine), and travel-friendly (Kate Somerville Self-Tanning Towelettes work for both face and body). The author’s recommendations and personal experiences provide valuable insights, but consider adding tips on best practices (exfoliation, tanning mitts, moisturizing) and before-and-after photos for each tanner, along with purchase links for reader convenience.
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Great tips for achieving that flawless tan! Just like getting the perfect tan requires the right technique, finding the best riding leather jackets is all about choosing quality and fit to keep you looking stylish and protected on the road.
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Achieving a tan without risking sun damage is key! This blog perfectly highlights how to get that golden glow safely. Self-tanners and airbrush spray tans are great alternatives for maintaining healthy skin while avoiding sun exposure. 🌞✨ It’s always best to prevent sunspots and wrinkles by choosing safer options like these. The author’s favorite picks make the tanning process even easier. Looking for that flawless tan without the risks? Try one of these recommended products! 🌿🌟
Mint Green Medical Scrubs
Lime Green Medical Scrubs
Forest Green Scrubs
Women Green Scrubs