Lets cultivate shall we?


Being a woman in the 21st century is an exhilarating and amazing thing.

I just need to look at my grandmother and even my mother to see how the world has changed for women and all the incredible opportunities and, as well as challenges, women encounter today. I am in debt to the many women and change-makers, mothers, daughters, innovators, peace-makers, and fighters who came before me, who set the stage for me to live fully and vibrantly. Each and every one of us has the potential to achieve our dreams and do amazing things and as a community of women, it is our responsibility to support and lift each other up. No matter where you are in life, strive to empower the women around you. If I have learned anything, is that success is never reached alone.

Recently, I was lucky enough to participate in Create and Cultivate, an event that brings women together to highlight the importance of empowering and learning from each other. I was able to meet and speak with inspiring women like Rachel Zoe and Jessica Alba who gave advice and shared from their experience as entrepreneurs and innovators. I also gave four mentorship sessions which was an amazing experience for me to be able to share the lessons I have learned with other women and even gave one-on-one tutorials on how I edit my photos.

I loved partnering up with the brand BarIII for this event! They have really cute clothing that is also very accessible. See what I wore with the direct links below! I really enjoyed Create + Cultivate and truly hope that as women, we learn how to support and empower one another, not bring each other down and let jealousy and envy get the better of us! Like Bar III would say, let us strive for #settingthebar for other women, like many women have done for us! Cheers!

Ser mujer en el siglo 21 es un privilegio. Tan solo con platicar con mi abuela e incluso mi madre, puedo ver cómo el mundo ha cambiado para las mujeres y todas las oportunidades increíbles y, también, los retos, que las mujeres enfrentan hoy en día. Estoy en deuda con las muchas mujeres y luchadoras por justicia que vinieron antes que yo, que prepararon el camino para que hoy, yo pudiera vivir mi vida plenamente. Todos y cada uno de nosotras tenemos el potencial de lograr nuestros sueños y hacer cosas increíbles.  Unidas, como comunidad de mujeres capaces e inteligentes, es nuestra responsabilidad de apoyarnos entre nosotras. No importa en que fase de tu vida estés, esfuérzate a capacitar, y a motivar a las mujeres a tu alrededor. Si algo he aprendido, es que el éxito no se alcanza nunca solo.

Recientemente, tuve la suerte de participar en Create and Cultivate, un evento que reúne a las mujeres para hablar de la potenciación de la mujer. Tuve la oportunidad de conocer y hablar con mujeres ejemplares como Rachel Zoe y Jessica Alba, que compartieron consejos y lecciones que han aprendido como emprendedoras e innovadoras.  Yo di cuatro sesiones de tutoría lo cual fue una experiencia increíble para mí poder compartir todo lo que he aprendido como bloguera con otras mujeres e incluso di clases individuales sobre como editar fotos. No he hablado mucho sobre mi ropa de ese día, pero me asocie con la marca Bar3 y llevaba puesto una de sus piezas! Me gustó mucho este evento y realmente espero que, como mujeres, aprendamos a apoyarnos e inspirar a otras mujeres en vez de dejarnos llevar por celos y envidias! 


©Laura Dee Photo - CCDTLA-Saturday713

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Wearing Bar III Dress | Celine Boots | Chanel Handbag

Thank you for Bar III for sponsoring this post!



  1. viktoria
    May 27, 2016 / 11:43 am

    Such a beauty!


  2. Lily Wrist
    May 27, 2016 / 1:01 pm

    I absolutely love your boots they’re soon cute!!! It is weird to think about how women’s opportunities have changed over the years, also very cool that you got to meet Rachel Zoe and Jessica Alba as they’re inspiring women!


  3. May 27, 2016 / 2:53 pm

    I was super bummed out I couldn’t attend this event. I was most excited to speak with you! I’ve been following your career since I started my journey into the world of blogging. I hope to meet one day! You are my inspiration! <3




  4. September 2, 2023 / 9:22 am

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