Smooth Legs with EOS


Ladies… the inevitable has arrived. You can no longer avoid it or hide it.

There is no way to escape it. It’s coming. That’s right. Consistently shaving your legs! The time when you could hide behind tights, leggings, and jeans has passed. Soon, it will be dresses, shorts, and skirts and it will all be out in the open. Welcome to the days of shaving on a consistent basis and dealing with lots of razor burns, cuts, bumps and in growns. I depend on EOS shave cream to give me the best shave possible. It really does give me a smoother shave and its’ skin protectants are amazing at helping to avoid getting razor burns and bumps. EOS shave cream is extremely moisturizing because it is packed with natural, organic conditioning oils, shea butter and antioxidant vitamins so you can shave wet or dry! I usually use the lavender jasmine scent but I am excited to try some new scents. On a personal note, I also like the bottle because it is recyclable and doesn’t leave that annoying rusty circle in my shower. Shaving may be annoying and time-consuming but you just gotta do what you gotta do. It’s important though, to make sure you do it right or you will have to deal with more annoying things like razor burns and bumps that will make you want to hide back in your leggings. Time to flaunt those smooth legs ladies!

Mujeres!… lo inevitable ha llegado. Ya no podemos evitarlo o ocultarlo. No hay forma de escaparlo! Dentro de poco, tendremos que rasurarnos todos los días! Desafortunadamente el tiempo donde podíamos esconder nuestras piernas detrás de leggings, medias y jeans se han terminado! Pronto, serán vestidos, shorts, y faldas. Tendremos que afrente las quemaduras de la rasurada, cortadas y los mendigos pelos enterrados. Desde el año pasado uso la cream de EOS para darme el mejor resultado posible. Realmente me protege la piel. Esta crema es muy hidratante, ya que está llena de aceites naturales, acondicionador orgánicos, y vitaminas antioxidantes por lo cual la puedes usar con agua o sin agua! Yo suelo usar el de “Lavender Jasmine”, pero me encanta estar probando nuevos aromas.

Por otro lado, me encanta que la botella es de plástico, haciéndolo 100% reciclable. La rasurada puede ser muy molesto y consume mucho tiempo, pero nimodo! Lo tenemos que hacer, pero es importante de usar los mejores productos que a la larga nos pueden ayudar a evitar pelos enterados y quemaduras. Así que ya llego la hora mujeres! A enseñar esas piernas!

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Thank you to EOS for sponsoring this post!



  1. Tatjana
    April 12, 2016 / 1:29 pm

    Thanks for the intoduction to the product Paola.
    Lets hope it is available in Germany. I simply love EOS.

  2. Nicolette
    April 12, 2016 / 4:29 pm

    I don’t think I am ready to consistently shave, but thanks for sharing I am going to try their product!


  3. September 2, 2023 / 10:07 am

    Thanks for the intoduction to the product Paola.
    Lets hope it is available문경출장샵 in Germany. I simply love EOS.

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