Babymoon? Naaaah. More like a second honeymoon! HA! I’m gonna get a little romantic here, but it’s amazing to be able to embark on these incredible adventures with my partner in crime. Hector and I are so different in so many ways, but we share the same love for traveling. We love to see the world and are in it for the adventure! We actually booked this cruise a year ago and have been anxiously waiting since. So today, I have decided to start a new series on my blog called, W2WW. Meaning, What to Wear Where, and I thought, what better way to start than to feature What to wear where? A Cruise. You will actually be seeing some of these items on my instagram feed soon, since I purchased some items for my trip, and others, well, let’s just say they are still in my “Save for later” folder.
One of the main reasons why I started a blog is to be able to inspire you to find your own personal style. A style you are comfortable and that enhances your self-confidence. I am a fond believer that fashion does play a big role in a women’s self-esteem, alongside a lot of other things of course, but a great outfit can make you feel powerful and secure of yourself. It doesn’t have to be Gucci, or Prada, it just has to feel like you. So this is why I decided to start these W2WW series, please feel free to let me know what topics you what me to do next? What to wear to a wedding? Vineyards? Maybe?
Si me siguien en mis redes sociales, ya saben que estoy de vacacciones. El Sabado, Hector y yo nos subiremos a un crucero por 11 días donde estaremos conociendo muchas ciudades nuevas, alrededor del Mediterráneo. Voy a derramar miel por 5 segundos, jaja pero la verdad es que es increíble poder tener estas adventuras con tu pareja. Hector y yo somos polos opuestos en muchas cosas, pero a los dos nos encanta viajar y siempre nos ha encantado conocer lugares nuevos del mundo. Este crucero lo reservamos hace un año, y llevamos desde entonces esperándolo con ancias.
Por otra parte, los jueves voy a empezar unas series en el blog que se llamaran W2WW: “What to Wear Where” que siginifica, “Que me pongo, donde”
Decidi empezar esta serie de artículos porque una de las razones por las que empece el blog fue para poder inspirar a cada uno de ustedes encontrar su estilo persona. Un estilo en el cual se sientan seguros de si mismos. Un ajuar puede ayudar muchisimo con nuestro auteoestima. Y acuérdense que no tiene que ser de marcas para lograrlo. Espero les guste esta idea de Juevesitos, y no sean timidos, diganme si les gustaria otro tema, por ejemplo, Que me pongo? En una boda, para los viñedos? Avisenme y como siempre gracias por leer mi blog, y sus comentarios, leo todos y verdaderamente me hacen mi dia! xx, p.
Soy finalista para los Bloglovin Awards, como Breakthrough Blogger of the year, les pido su apoyo, siguiendo el link y votando por mi! Muchas gracias!
I am nominated for Breakthrough Blogger of the Year. Please help me win by voting below!
Great post! love your blog! ive only followed you recently and i love it! so helpful and entertaining, what more could i want in life?! xxx
Thank you Erika!! Your kind words are my greatest inspiration! xx
Love this, I went on a cruise last year and found no real inspiration online about what to take. Glad you did this!
Hey babe! I was actually looking for inspiration myself and didn’t find much either, it was one of the reasons why I decided to make this blogging series! Thanks again xx
🙂 anytime! Keep em’ coming!
Totally in love with this idea. Can’t wait to see more of what you do with W2WW! Lots of love Xo
Thank you love!! I am very excited for this blogging series as well! Let me know if you want me to cover a specific topic! xx
Realmente una idea maravillosa Felicidades y esperamos ansiosos esas bella fotos con esos bellos ajuares!!!!
Gracias sra!! un besote!
I went on my first cruise last year around the Caribbean and loved it but was a little unsure what to pack so this is great, thanks x
Thank you love! This means alot! Make sure to let me know if you are in the mood for a specific topic!
Very helpful tips!
Thank you!
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This adventure was like a second honeymoon, as we both love to travel. If you are looking for quick entertainment during your wait, trying out io games might be a fun suggestion!
What a delightful adventure you’re embarking on! Your Mediterranean cruise sounds like a perfect blend of romance and exploration. As you navigate through different ports, remember that, much like in Geometry Dash , each level brings unique challenges and styles. Your new W2WW series will surely inspire others to embrace their personal fashion journey. Enjoy your trip, and may you collect beautiful memories and outfits along the way!