Happy Halloween!
I love Halloween! It is so fun seeing everyone’s creative costumes! Back in our pre-parent days, I have to say Hector and I planned some pretty epic couple costumes. These days, I get more excited about dressing Enzo up. This year, I couldn’t decide and bought him two costumes! I still love to dress up though even if I get more excited about Enzo’s costume. Recently, I have been working a lot with a friend of mine who is an amazing make-up artist, and she helped me bring this idea I had to life. I really wanted to do something related to the galaxy and stars. It was actually super easy to create this look! All you need is some glitter, (I bought some from Target), makeup primer, hair gel, some confetti stars (which I also bought at Target), and hair spray.
First, you mix some primer with the glitter to get it to stick and create a base of glitter and sparkle on your face. After, you can add some loose glitter to add more sparkle. To make the stars and confetti stick, use some hair gel as a type of glue and when you are done, use some hair spray as setting spray to make it all stick and stay in place! What do you think of the final look? It was actually a lot easier than I thought and something that I could totally recreate on my own! What did everyone dress up as this weekend and if you have kids, what are you dressing them up as? Give me some ideas for next year! Hope everyone has a safe Halloween!
¡Me encanta Halloween! ¡Es tan divertido ver los disfraces tan creativos de todos! Antes de ser papás, la verdad es que Hector y yo planeamos unos disfraces de pareja bastante épicos. Ahora, me emociona más disfrazar a Enzo. Este año, no me pude decidir y le compré dos disfraces! Todavía me encanta disfrazarme aunque me emocione más el de Enzo. Recientemente, he estado trabajando mucho con una amiga mía que es una maquilladora increíble, y ella me ayudó a darle vida a esta idea que tenía. Tenía muchas ganas de hacer algo relacionado con la galaxia y las estrellas. ¡En realidad fue súper fácil crear este look! Todo lo que necesitas es un poco de brillantina (lo compré en Target), primer de maquillaje, gel para el pelo, algunas estrellas de confeti (que también compré en Target) y spray para el pelo.
Primero, mezclas un poco de primer con la brillantina para que se pegue y así creas una base de brillo en tu cara. Después, puedes echarte un poco de brillantina suelta para agregar más brillo. Para hacer que las estrellas y el confeti se peguen, usa un poco de gel para el pelo como un tipo de pegamento y cuando hayas terminado, usa un poco de spray para que todo se pegue y permanezca en su lugar. ¿Qué les parece el look final? En realidad, fue mucho más fácil de lo que pensaba y ¡algo que podía recrear totalmente por mi cuenta! ¿De que se disfrazaron todos este fin y si tienen hijos, cómo los van a disfrazar hoy? ¡Denme algunas ideas para el próximo año!
This is such a glam look! I love it! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Love the look! I think next year you should go for Audrey’s Hepburn look💙
Instagram: andreea_ungureanu
Love this one! The Elmo costume was the best one! 🙂
This look was AMAZING!!! Thanks for posting what you used to achieve this!!! I’ll havw to try next year 🙂 Omg and Enzo….. I think jack sparrow was my favorite! What a little cutie. My insta handle is @samanthhac
Me encantaron las fotos! Enzo se veía hermoso el siguiente año disfrázalo de Peter Pan 💕
Love the Elmo costume. Haven’t see a Star is born but heard Oscar…
Love your Halloween makeup, you look like a star goddess!! Love Elmo Enzo!!! He’s totally in character and he just looks sooo darn cute and comfy!! Next year I think it will be cute to dress him up in another comfy outfit like Where the Wild Things Are Costumes their sooo adorable and comfy!! Either Max with a cute crown or the bull are my favorite!!
With love,
Alexandra G
I love Enzo I’m his Elmo costume and how he was looking at himself in the mirror. He’s so cute! 💗
Tocaya, pao!
I loved Enzo’s Elmo costume.
For next year he could be Sulli from Monsters inc and you could be Boo😅
Next year it would be really funny if you dressed him up as a grandpa (kind of like that video of the baby using the walker that’s a grandma) or you could dress him up as a demigorgan and you be eleven and your husband be will from stranger things! I love your blog and your Halloween makeup was awesome!
My email is alexandrawoeste@gmail.com
And my Instagram handle is alexandrawoeste
LOVE your make up! ! ! Me encantó el disfraz de Jack Sparrow de Enzo, se veía lindisimo! ! ! Deberían de disfrazarse de Lilo & Stich el próximo año 😉 mi insta: ma.ro.ly
In looooove w enzo’s Elmo costume I went around school showing it too all of my friends and they’d just stare at me w a “wtf are u doing he ain’t ur child” face looool. My insta handle is @danielaledesmal and my email is danielaledesm@gmail.com reeaaaally hope I can be the winner of this freebie friday
Ame el disfraz de Elmo! Se veía adorable!
Para el próximo año lo puedes disfrazar como el niño de la película de UP! Se vería divino con los globos y todo. ❤️
Elmo was my fav! So cute!!
IG nayra.lujan
Me encanta como se ve Enzo con el disfraz de Elmo, la felicidad, la sonrisa que expresa son increíbles, la alegría por ser Elmo se nota a kilómetros!! 😘😍
Hi Pailo, thank you for another blog post! I absolutely loved both costumes Enzo had on but I think my favorite one would be Elmo, only because he seemed super excited wearing it, ha! For next year, I can picture him in either a Monsters inc. costume, Where the wild things are, or something from a movie/tv show that he’s been obsessing over with. Also I loooved your “A Star is Born” glam look. Such a fun and creative idea!
-Manuela T
insta: @manny_tik
I really loved your dedication in this look! Going off of this years look, you should dress up as an alien next year. You can do silver makeup to go with the costume. Also, I thought the Elmo costume was adorable on Enzo:)
Greetings from up the coast in Orange County!
Loved Enzo as Elmo ❤️
I loved Enzo’s captain Sparrow, i really loved it. Maybe you can be a modern transformer?! Fashionable transformer
Instagram: alechinfloresp
I love the Elmo. consume! Too cute!!
El próximo año tú y Héctor se deberían de disfrazar de Daphne y Fred y Enzo de Scooby doo!! Mi insta es @meliissa29
So cute! Next year I think you should go Frida Kahlo!!!
I loved Enzo’s costumes💖 so cutes. My favorite one is Elmo, what a beautiful baby. Btw your halloween makeup is really pretty tocaya.
Love Enzo as Elmo
Esta padrísimo pao!
Genial ⭐️
Love this, so creative!
love this! his elmo costume was the best <3
love the glam look! i also loved enzo’s cute pirate costume!
Elmo! Elmo! Emlo! Next year he should be humpty dumpty! @courtneywgrimes
So beautiful! And Enzo as Elmo was adorable!
The glitter looks so prefect! 🌟🌟
Though I loved the detail in the pirate costume, he’s just too darn cute in the Elmo one! That was my favorite. Next year do a mommy and Enzo costume – dress up as milk and he can be a cookie, cus you could just eat him up! @marjeux. Also, great idea with the A Star is Born costume!
Loved Elmo! So cute
beautiful! so hard to chose he looked so cute in both costumes. but i will say pirate. i love all the details in the costume.
You look so gorgeous! Enzo was so cute as well! Elmo was my favorite on him!
Pao, solo quiero decirte que me encantan tus post! Y muero por Enzo, es lo mas divino del mundo. AMÉ su reacción en el espejo al verse disfrazado de Elmo, aunque también tengo que aceptar es el pirata mas cute que he visto. Para el proximo año deberían ir todos como la familia de súper héroes. As for your makeup en este blogpost… WOW
Elmo was the best costume. OOOO and that little tush, so adorable make you want to hug and squeeze him all day.
I loved enzo’s Elmo costume – he was so mesmerized by himself haha it was amazing! Next year you guys should do a family costume, those are the best!
Halloween is my favorite. I love this look, beautiful!
Love this look!! I love Halloween but wasn’t really able to celebrate this year. I’m a big fan of making my own costumes, just makes it a fun tradition for Halloween. Ideas for Enzo for next year: Hot air ballon- just buy a basket big enough (and comfortable) for him to fit and cut the bottom so he’s able to walk lol. Then buy ballons filled with helium (so they stay up) and tie them around the basket to give the look of a hot air ballon. You can dress him with a colorful shirt and aviator hat with googles to finish the look! He’ll look super cute and should be a hit!
Loved the Jack Sparrow costume! Would love to see something creative between the 3 of you!!
I adore the glam glitter look, and the fashion inspiration you lend. I don’t have the budget for your wardrobe, but I can usually find something comparable. Your natural makeup is AMAZING as well! Thank you for sharing your passion!
Intergalactic!! I am obsessed. Also love Enzo’s elmo costume. I am training to become a pediatrician and he is just adorable 🙂 I love dressing up on Halloween for admitted children at the hospital I work at! Such a fun way to make kids smile.
Captain Jack Sparrow stole my heart!! Next year you should all dress as a family of characters…while he still wants to be part of the family and not do his own costume!!
Me encantó tu disfraz porque Halloween no pasó desapercibido para las mamás, fue excelente sugerencia, aparte las fotos te quedaron increíbles.
Enzo Elmo fue el mejor porque se veía super tierno pero Enzo Pirata es un clásico, que bueno que le pusiste dos!
El próximo año puedes hacer que los disfraces de ustedes estén relacionados, como la familia Adams o todos de piratas o de villanos de películas, por ejemplo.
Saludos! @mariana.gomezdiaz
I loved Enzo in the pirate costume!! Y’all are the cutest family and it looks like you had loads of fun!
Incredible!!! I’d love to see you as a sugar skull honoring Dia de Los Muertos!!
Love the Elmo costume, he’s just too cute! 🎃 @smashmoon
So beautiful!!! I haven’t participated in Halloween for some time now, but I always live through others who dress up. Enzo in his Elmo costume is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. Not to mention he looked so happy wearing it! Happy babies are THE best. A suggestion for next year could be the man in the yellow outfit that’s in Curious George! You could make a cute yellow polka dot tie. <3
Lo mejor fue ver cuando Enzo se vio en el espejo 😍Cualquier disfraz que cause eso nuevamente sera el mejor!
Hola!! El mejor disfraz de Enzo fue el de Elmo 😍 se veía divino en los videos y creo que el año que entra deberían disfrazarse como de un tema todos en familia, tipo tu de princesa leía y Enzo de chubaca 😂 ya que Héctor ya tiene el suyo 😊
Loved the Elmo costume! More importantly I loved seeing his reaction to himself IN the Elmo costume! Such a sweet moment. Thankf or sharing! @rzipper
Enzo se veia hermoso de pirata me encanto!!!
Tu te deberias de vestir de gatubela el prox año Batman tu esposo y robin Enzo
Hola Pao!
Ufff me encanto tu look de A star is born. So clever. Enzo se veia divino en su disfraz de Elmo y el se veía el mas feliz que es lo mas importante!! El siguiente año tu te podrias disfrazar de Blancanieves y el de uno de los enanitos? Hay tantas ideas y opciones. Que tengan bonito viernes!
Love this look! My favourite was your skeleton / day of the dead costume a few years ago! Obsessed. An idea for Enzo next year, Where’s Waldo! Xx
Se ve genial y súper fácil! Ame el disfraz de Elmo de Enzo se veía tan tierno.
Love Baby Enzo as Elmo mesmerized by himself in the mirror! Soooo adorable 🙂 Next year try a family Wizard of Oz group costume!
Hola i love everything you do and this starry makeup is sooooo good! Enzo looked adorable in both costumes but i felt like his cute personality just completely came out as Elmo jajaja ♥️ @adybec
Elmo!! My son (born a week after Enzo!) loves Elmo too! “Letter of the Day” is on repeat in my head more than I care to admit 🤪
Enzo was the cutest Elmo I’ve ever seen…… el año que viene podrías hacer los Flinstones… los 3 de ustedes.
Enzo de Elmo se veía hermoso!! El año que viene se deben de disfrazar de Coco!
Omg todavía sigo enamorada de ese maquillaje! Y bueno los disfraces de Enzo ni se diga! Siempre me encanta ver como lo vistes porque el y mi gordito nacieron la misma semana! 🤗 siempre me das ideas padrísimas! Y bueno mi preferido fue su disfraz de Jack Sparrow! Esta para comérselo 😍😍!
Enzo looks good no matter what he wears. My favorite Halloween costume that he wore was Elmo. He looked cute as a button.
Super beautiful glam look! For next year try a Adam’s family concept but do it in your way 😀
This is such a fun look! I wonder how hard it is to take off lol but still amazing! Enzos pirate costume was so cute.
Vanessa | http://www.vanessarenae.com
You look beautiful! Simple but yet very classy.
Well, I loved Enzo in the Jack Sparrow costume. What did it for me? the picture with the PACIFIER! Baby Captain Jack Sparrow!
I saw the picture of your dad pushing the stroller and think it was such a sweet moment for his grandfather to join him on something as fun as Halloween.
I think you should try to do something as a family…
– Gabby
Me encantaron los disfraces de Enzo y el tuyo super original yo tengo un bebé que sólo le lleva 3 días de diferencia a Enzo y me sirve muchísimo todos los tío y recomendaciones que haces plus amo tus outfis estaría super cool que el próximo año se difrazaran de algo temático los 3
Hola Pau,
Me encantaron los dos disfraces, pero la verdad el de Elmo fue el mejor, se le iluminó su carita al verse vestido del Elmo 😍👌🏼😘
I loved Enzo dresses up as Jack! He is turning into such a handsome little guy! I also appreciated you didn’t all coordinate costumes.
Thanks for all you do!
Omg I loved Enzo as Elmo! Super cute! He looked like he was having fun too. I think for next year….you two should get dressed up as NYFW…you be the model and he can dress up as paparazzi taking your pic. LOL
Instagram: @calena32
Enzo looked so cute as Elmo!
Next year you should do a group costume. I loved your “A Star is Born” makeup btw.
This look was AMAZING!!! Thanks for posting what you used to achieve this!!! I’ll havw to try next year 🙂 Omg and Enzo….. I think jack sparrow was my favorite! What a little cutie. My insta handle is @samanthhac
Me encantan las estrellas! Es un estilo súper simple pero súper chic. Love it!!
En otras noticias, AMO el disfraz de Enzo de Elmo, don’t get me wrong me gusto también el de pirata muy Jack Sparrow, pero se ve súper tierno con el de Elmo, ese es definitivamente mi favorito.
Entiendo lo que dices con emocionarte en disfrazar a Enzo, has intentado hacer disfraces en familia? Otra blogger que sigo Jean Wang o Extra Petite how she calls herself este año hizo un disfraz en grupo con su esposo y su bebe recién nacido también súper tierno! Si tienes un chance de verlo te va a encantar!
Elmo for the win!!! He was so cute in that one
Me encantaron los dos disfraces de Enzo, pero lo amé en Pirata se veía lo más tierno <3. No soy mucho de disfrazarme pero este maquillaje me parece ideal!
Love Enzo’s Elmo costume! My son is 3 months old. It was his first Halloween this year!
Instagram: marinski_g
This is absolutely stunning. Enzo made the CUTEST Elmo I have ever seen, that was definitely my favorite.
Next year I think it would be precious if your family did The Nightmare Before Christmas! I can totally picture Enzo as a little Jack Skellington.
Elmo was my favorite!
I loved both but I think Enzo as Elmo was the cutes and my favorite . I think for next you should do the Incredibles with Hector and Enzo (family custome ❤️)
Instagram: anagloz7
I love the elmo costume! I think next year as a family you guys should do the characters from coco 🙂
IG: @karen_hassel
Elmo is perfect for his age right now! Maybe try a cupcake next year to continue his cuteness haha
I loved both your costume and Enzo’s (I mean I almost died when I saw him in that elmo costume)! Q
I showed my 1 year old son the video of Enzo running around as Elmo, and he could not stop laughing! It was so cute!
Instagram: jennifer__sage
My favorite is the elmo costume! Just too cute!! My instagram handle is @shelb_salt!
My favorite is the elmo!!! Love it ❤️ i also loved your makeuppp!! My instagram is @fernandacruzc
Enzo estaba para comerlo a besos! Mi disfraz favorito fue el elmo ❤️. Dios bendiga tu bebe
Enzo estaba para comerlo a besos! Mi disfraz favorito fue el elmo ❤️. Dios bendiga tu bebe
Enzo is so adorable ❤️… Also he is too cute as Elmo! Next year he should be Karl Lagerfeld imagine how cute, it would be perfect because of ur blog! Lol.. you look beautiful in ur pics!
My Email : hdabbous1@yahoo.com
I loved both but Enzo looked the cutest with the pirate costume. Ideas I would suggest for next year are family themes.
I have a baby a few days younger than yours (July 27th) and live in San Diego so we live vicariously through you guys 😍
Elmo was adorable! And I loved your look! I’m all about glowing skin and the highlight!
El bebé más divino! I was showing him to all my friends and they were freaking out! Next your the whole fam should dress up as toy story characters, I think that would be adorable.
Este look esta padridimo, la foto se ve genial. El disfraz de pirata de Enzo fue mi favorito! Vistelo de Leo Dicaprio, con su cabello hacia atras, se veria hermoso hehe
Email: denisse.ibarra@hotmail.com
Love the look this year! Enzos Elmo costume is my Fave!! I’d love to see you as princess Kate!!
the Elmo costume!!!!!! Literally so precious! I love seeing Enzo in you stories and you’re posts. He is just the cutest baby. Also you’re star look is definitely so,etching I will copy in the future so cool and different.
the Elmo costume!!!!!! Literally so precious! I love seeing Enzo in you stories and you’re posts. He is just the cutest baby. Also you’re star look is definitely something I will copy in the future so cool and different.
Love this! Even though I loved jack sparrow Enzo, I def have to say that Elmo Enzo was my fav! So stinking cute! I think next year you guys should do family costumes, I just love that! 🧡
I love….. him sleeping on his tummy looking so tall! He’s grown so much and I love following your journey. There is nothing like the bond of a mother and son 😊
Cheers !
I loved Enzo’s Elmo costume, my coworker and I were obsessing over it!!! @jashyolguin
You are so beautiful Paola. I love you glam look, so sultry and pretty 😍 you are such an inspiration, your insta stories bring me always a lot of joy. Enzo is sooooo cute, especially in his Elmo costume: I cannot handle, sweetness overload. Just to acknowledge: Hector is one of the hottest guys I have ever seen, so charming too. Dream 😍
Me encanto! Intentaré copiarlo en mi look de catrina! 💓 instagram: ziquita19
Me enamoré de Elmo!! Se veía divino!! instagram: alemartinz
Love Enzo as Jack Sparrow the Pirate! I definitely think you need to do a family costume next year! Like you can be Princess Leia in the Gold Bikini and Enzo can be Hand Solo or a Stormtrooper! Or you could be Beauty and Rnzi can be the Beast!
Loved this look! Enzo looked (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) cute in both costumes but my favorite had to be Elmo!
Instagram: LauraBarrera24
Love this makeup + movie😍
My favorite costume of Enzo’s was Elmo—reminds me of my childhood ✨his facial expressions were too cute in it. Next year he should be a UPS man because his mom probably gets lots of packages😉
Xx @madisonmarchetti
Loved it!! And Enzo looked super cute it his Elmo costume! @belicano
Ami me encantaron los 2 pero me voy mas por el de pirata. Pero el de Elmo esta super cute y mas apropiado a su edad y calientito
Marletdstyle es mi Instagram
I loved this look! It’s a very chic and cute look to wear at a halloween party. I loved Enzo’s turtle costume, I have never seen any baby costume like that before and I though it was the cutest! Best, @jocelyn.loredo
I love Enzo’s pirate costume! Also the star makeup looks amaazing
Como siempre te ves súper en todo lo qué haces y te pones… y ni se diga Enzo, me encanta! Y sus disfraces, los dos me encantaron! Sigue con tu buena vibra! @buya74
Elmo Enzo is so stinking adorable!!! I always like to dress my kids in something they’re into at the time to let thier little personalities shine!
Me encantoooooo el
Disfraz de elmo, Enzo se veía feliz !!!!!!
The best costume was ElmoEnzo!! Just loved how obssesed he was with himself haha and just the costume itself fitted him like a glove!! Love it
Su reacción was everything!!! I love family costumes too!
Enzo’s Elmo costume is so adorable, my favorite! Last year me and my husband dressed up as the classic peanut butter and jelly toast. Our friends did not expect it and thought it was super funny! I also loved how comfy it was (its literally like a potato sack LOL and I was wearing all black leggings and tshirt underneath) . I love the glittery look you did in this post, super beautiful as always!! <3
Enzo as Elmo wins! Not only did he look super cute he looked like he was having the best time. He couldn’t wrap his little head around being Elmo!
Next year you should dress up with him as Carmen Miranda (Chiquita Banana) and dress him up as a banana.
Like this for example…
El de Elmo fue el mejoooor se veía hermoso y contentisimo!!!!♥
Paola, me encantó tu look, y el disfraz de Elmo de Enzo fue el mejor, se veía demasiado hermoso 😂…Saludos.
Instagram: @dchamut
Hola Paola!!! El disfraz de Elmo siento q fue de lo mas lindo!! Se veía super tierno y hermoso Enzo!! Mil gracias por compartir con nosotras tantos momentos tuyos!
Ig: @valevar87
Elmo hands down!!! So adorable
Enzo was the cutest pirate ever !
I am obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean and loved Enzo’s Jack Sparrow costume! 😍
– Jessica
Hiii I’m such a big fan of your blog! Loving all of your recent posts 💕
P.S. Enzo looked so cute as Jack Sparrow 😭 Happy belated Halloween!
I loooved Enzo as Elmo! He looked so jubilant in it and so excited. He’s so adorable and it’s been amazing watching him grow up!
Enzo’s Elmo consume and his reaction in the mirror! Gosh 😍 me muero!
Next year you should do a family costume .
Love the glitter look! Enzo was soooo cute in both costumes but my favorite was Elmo ❤️Maybe next year you can do a matching family costume!
I adore his costume!!!! Next year, you guys could do Hector dressed as a taco, you dressed up as belle (from beauty and the beast), and Enzo as the hot sauce!!! I love the jack sparrow too. my email is madelineh0610@gmail.com 😁
Wow I love your star look! Who would have guessed it would be so easy! Also Enzo as Elmo was definitely the cutest! Next year you guys should do a family costume!
Insta: sammysaysbest
Me encanto el maquillaje! Además que súper fácil encontrar todo en Target! Me encanta que te preocupes por aterrizar tus ideas hacia nosotros! Enzo se ve hermoso con sus disfraces! Es un bombón! Pero sin duda el disfraz ganador fue el de ELMO!!!! Me derrito de amor!
My favorite is the ELMO!!! so so cute 🙂 Loved seeing his reaction when he saw himself wearing it in the mirror.
Enzo’s Elmo costume was hands down the cutest and his reaction was priceless! Maybe next year he can be an avocado🥑 or something food related!!
Instagram: @sillyylili
Ame ame a Enzo disfrazado de Elmo, y ver su carita de emoción cuando se vio en el espejo ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ame ame a Enzo disfrazado de Elmo, y ver su carita de emoción cuando se vio en el espejo ❤️❤️❤️
Absolutely love Enzo’s Wlmo costume!! The cutest! Love ya gorgeous
Instagram: @kianazakar
Me encanto Enzo y su difraz de Elmo, sinceramente fue el ganador!!!! Tan hermoso y adorable que se ve 😀 el siguiente año puede ser no se algún tema de los increibles tal vez jack jack o quizas por que no el come galletas apuesto que se vería hermoso el siguiente año mi insta es: @bellam138
Aww girl I love your makeup/costume 😍 and love both costumes on Enzo, he looks adorable in both 😍 but if asi have to choose one, I’ll pick the ELMO!!!
Maybe next year he can be Pinocchio? (: I bet he’ll be a cutest one 💗
AMEEEEE a Enzo disfrazado de elmo😍, btw tu disfraz está muy original y cool.
Mi ig: melissatorrres
Enzo as Jack Sparrow was my favorite! So cute and the way he walked was the same as how he does it in the movie. Me encanto😍
Insta: chantalmsanchez
Wow! I love this look! So glamorous!
The Elmo costume was my favorite! Love your style!😘
First of all I instantly fell in love with this look! You look flawless momma. My favorite Halloween costume from Enzo was the Jack Sparrow . He looks like a little man but in the most adorable way (: … You guys should plan a family Halloween costume for next year and it should be Disney theme and then of course something separately. Your little family is pretty awesome !!! Hope you have a great Friday love.
The Elmo costume was too cute! But Enzo looks adorable it anything. I saw a couple be the dogs from Lady and the Tramp and their toddler was in the middle of them as a plate of spaghetti with yarn connecting both of them to the child! It was too cute and so creative! My insta is @leestay. Happy fall! Xx
LOVED the Elmo look on Enzo! His reaction was priceless! You can tell he definitely loved it as well❤️ For next year you should do a family themed costume i.e The Incredibles, or Star Wars! (I know H was a storm trooper this year) Enzo can be Yoda, you can be Princess Leia & H can be Darth Vader or Obi-one
Hola Pao!Me encantó este maquillaje que t hiciste! Cogeré esta idea para Carnavales! Soy de Tenerife(Islas Canarias) y aquí se celebran los segundos mejores carnavales del mundo después de Río! Si algún día tienes la oportunidad de venir, que te voy a decir yo! Q te lo recomiendo 100%, es divertidísimo! Aquí la gente se curra muchísimo los disfraces!
Enzo estaba monisimo, pero el disfraz de Elmo me chifló estaba para comérselo!
Me encanta tu estilo Pao y eres un encanto!
Mil besos
Me encanto el look de Elmo de Enzo. Puedes reutilizarlo para su cumpleaños un themed party o algo y puedes ir the Big Bird o Cookie Monster con Hector.
Un disfraz que seria genial para el año siguiente ya que te pareces tanto a Kaia Gerber super fácil te vistes head to toe Chanel y Enzo con traje peluca blanca y gafas seria un Karl Lagerfeld PERFECTO.
Instagram: camilacastroro
It’s between the Elmo and pirate costume. Both were so adorable but if I HAVE to choose I would say Elmo. You honestly have the cutest baby ever!!!
I loved your look, im even thinking about doing that makeup look next year, i loved how classy and elegant it was but so pretty, paired with a black dress and a head piece might use it next year! I loved both of enzos costumes, but i think the pirates of the carabiean was so original i would have never thought of that!! But him walking in that elmo melted my heart i even had to show my mom and sister lol!
IG: paoaguilar_ Email:paolasofiaaguilar13@gmail.com
Hello Paola!!
I thought your Elmo idea was awesome. I don’t have kids myself but the fact that Enzo recognized it and enjoyed the fun part of Halloween! I have a friend that has a 1 and a 1/2 year old and she dressed her kid as Mickey Mouse and it was the cutest thing (I know it’s a bit over done) but the fact is she told me that her baby didn’t know what was going on. She realized the dressing up was more for her and in the kid party she went to all the adults wanted pictures with him. My point is I’m happy Enzo enjoyed it because he recognized it was dressing up and even got into there spirit of it. 😊 as much I want to give you ideas, I would say continue dressing him up as something he likes (a cartoon, toys, something important and fun to him) rather than something trendy and cute, i think he would appreciate it more at this age.
Sending all my love to your great family!
Feliz dia de los muertos ❤️
Tanya Herrera
Hello Paola, I really loved your star 🌟 look, it was unique! Next year I think you should be a fairy for Halloween 🎃! I enjoyed both of Enzo’s costumes, but my favorite was definitely the Elmo costume, he looked cute. Enzo seemed like he enjoyed his costumes for Halloween, and you must have had so much fun seeing his reaction which was priceless. Thanks for doing your Friday feeebies, they are appreciated even if I don’t win! Greetings from California. Instagram: lisettemunoz1
The Elmo costumer was the absolute cutest!! I can’t wait to have a kid of my own to put him or her in such cute costumes hihi
He looked adorable on both costumes 😍😍but I really loved the Elmo one,he seemed to really enjoy it. Something that would look adorable on him would be a Pinocchio costume 😍😍he already has that European vibe going on. Thank you for sharing
Hi Paola,
I absolutely love your style, and have been subscribed for a while now. You’re my inspiration for many of my looks!
I loved Enzo’s Pirate costume I thought it was adorable! You should dress him up as where is Waldo next year!
Te quedó suuuper padre tu makeup!!
El próximo año se pueden disfrazar los tres de the greatest showman!
Ame el disfraz de Elmo 😍❤️ Se ve divino. Me encanta ver tus blogs y tus stories!
Loved Enzo’s costume. He is the cutest baby out there but he is growing up so faaaaaast! Make it stop lol. You should dress him as a superhero next year.
I loved Enzo’s Jack costume! It was so cute.
¡Me fascinó tu maquillaje! Super classy and chic y el disfraz de Elmo de Enzo estaba para morirse de ternura!
I love all your posts! Thank you for always giving us outfit ideas😘
This look is amazing.
Enzo looked adorable in both costumes but Elmo wins he looked so happy
Forgot to leave my instagram jaja @mvpinon
I love the details of your make up. It’s subtle so you stand out more instead of being over powered by the make up.
Enzo as Elmo killed me! I replayed it a ton because the jingle got stuck in my head. 🙈
Instagram: @aussie_freya
I put three handles because I follow you in all of my accounts 🙈
Loved your makeup! It looks gorgeous, fun but natural at the same time! I love how you dress up Enzo! He should be a minion for Halloween next year! ❤️
Amé a Enzo de ELMO!! me encanto se veía súper tierno caminando. El próximo año deberías vestirlo de algún superheroe! xoxo
LOOOOVE this glitter look!!Definitivamente lo tengo que hacer!!
Aún no puedo decidirme por cual disfraz me gustó mas para Enzo,
se ve hermoooso con los dos!!
No podía con su reacción en el espejo cuando se vio disfrazado de Elmo, de lo más tierno!!
Estaría padrísimo el siguiente año que se disfrazara de Woody, ya me lo imagino hermoso de vaquerito,
tu de Jessy y Hector de Buzz
I absolutely ADORED his Elmo costume and couldn’t get over how excited he was to see himself in it, in the story you posted of him in the mirror!
Enzo costumes were both good but Jack Sparrow was adorable on him😍 Star wars as a family for next year will be amazing!
I love the pirate costume! I think Willy Wonka next year! We dress Burton as a Duck and had so much LOVE! Check chasing fireflies.
Mi favorito fue Elmo! He was so adorable in both though! I think next year a puppy or lion. I know you’ll choose something just as adorable.
love ellmo
Beautiful like a star goddess. ♥️ Enzo is looking the best in Elmo costume because Elmo is my favourite childhood sesame Street character. ♥️♥️♥️ He is the cutest..
My IG handle is @sumbul_amir
Email: sumbulamir7@gmail.com
Ame tu look! Y mas el de enzo, es un hermoso la verdad me encanta ver sus fotos! Un disfraz super lindo seria de pirata tipo Jack Sparrow!
I loved Enzos Elmo costume! It was so cute!!!!
I loved Enzo’s Elmo costume! He looked adorable 🙂 you should do a Coco themed costume next year!
Elmo was my fave!! So cute!!
IG nayra.lujan
You look amazing!
Me encanto el disfraz de Enzo! Desde que dijiste su nombre se me ocurrió que se disfrazara de Enzo Ferrari, o algo relacionado con él. Seguro ya lo habías pensado…besos!
I love Enzo’s Elmo costume so cute and he looked so happy!!! Some suggestions for your costume next year would be to try doing a family costume like correlated like the greatest showman? Circus theme? Or something else… like Disney related! I would also love to see simple costumes that you use with some of your favorite clothing pieces!
Email: lovelystephhhh@gmail.com
The Elmo costume is ADORABLE! <3
Loved this, I definitely want to try at home! Enzo looked adorable in his Elmo outfit but I loved him more as a pirate! As for next year you guys should should do a Disney family costume.
El mejoor fue el de elmo!! 😍
The Elmo costume was so cute !!! Next year you should definitely do a family costume!!
Dress up as the Addams family, rockstars, circus. There are so many options I’m sure you’ll choose a very creative one!
The Elmo costume was absolutely adorable! His cheeks are so cute!!! Your costume was very creative, the whole makeup look was something I had never seen!Next year you and your family should dress up with the same theme. Maybe dress up as COCO and your baby could be Miguel lol! It would be nice to show your roots in a fun/creative way!
Enzo seriously made the perfect mini Jack Sparrow!
We aren’t big fans of Halloween (though I’m all for the candy haha!) because we just are not creative at all but one of the best ones I saw this year was a little girl dressed as a root beer float. All the other girls in her class were fairies and princesses and she was in this massive homemade costume – love that confidence to do her own thing!
Enzo made me love Elmo for once! Hahaha! Sooo funny and cute. Please share where you bought both costumes and his brown boots for the jack sparrow costume. He is precious!
Instagram: daianna_prada
I loooove the look and it’s sooo easy to make! Thank you 😍
LOVED Enzo in his little Elmo costume… so adorable especially in your instagram stories when he had an elmo wedgie hahaha
i loved Enzo’s Elmo costume!
Elmo is so funny and he he has the perfect age to wear it, but pirate is cool too… About you, you’re pretty magnificent for Halloween !
My favorite costume was definitely the Elmo one! I LOVED his reaction on your insta story 😍😍 Enzo is the cutest!
Hi Paola !! I loved the Elmo costume so much – Enzo’s reaction in the mirror was priceless 🙂 I think you should go as Katara from the Airbender next year xxx Luisa
Seeing Enzo on your stories simply makes my days, he’s the cutest! Loved him dressed up as Elmo, his reaction was the cutest. Hope you had an awesome Halloween. And please post more OOTDs, much love.💘
I love this, I would love to do it for New Year’s eve!! My favorite costume was Elmo, I couldn’t handle the cuteness overload. I think for next year Hector and you could be some stranger things characters and enzo could be a waffle 💛
My mail is: montze_2008@hotmail.com
My insta: montse_duron_mendez
LOVE LOVE Enzo as Elmo…it just suits him so perfectly ❤️
Hi Paola!
Definilty fell in love with Enzo’s Elmo costume, I think it reflects on his innocent beautiful personality!
I also liked your costume, such and easy fresh look ✨
I know how much you guys like Disney so for next year you could do a Tinker bell and Peter Pan mother and son matching Halloween costume !!
email: aspemariajose@gmail.com
Todo lo que haces es genial e inspiras a muchas personas, algún día quisiera ser como tú, y el disfraz favorito que tengo de Enzo fue el de Elmo.
Eres genial!!!
Mi email es dina.hachac.morales@hotmail.com
IG: Dina Hachac
Love this look!! I loved Enzo as Elmo!!
Instagram @anagperez
my mom dressed me up as Elmo for Halloween when I was two!!! SO CUTE. I imagine that I was as into it as Enzo. I loved your stories of him in the costume!! ❤️❤️
insta: @karleevaughn
You have to dress him up as the Pope. I did when one of my boys was about 16 months and it was hilarious! I cut out a while pillow case with an embroidered edge for his robe then cut some red felt over it, made the hat with construction paper and glitter and stickers and for some bling he wore some gold necklaces down to his navel and for his elaborate cane, we bought that piece from the Halloween store, a pimp cane. Happy Halloween…it’s the only time I spend time on my hair and make-up!
Cutest little Elmo ever!!!
Ame el disfraz de Jack sparrow en Enzo!! Aunque a él todos los outfits se le ven lindos 😍😍
I love this look! Also, my favorite costume was Enzo’s pirate costume. Adorable! I think next year it would be cute to have a themed family costume! I saw a cute one where the dad was a sushi chef, the mom was a bottle of soy sauce, and the baby was sushi! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!
Enzo as Elmo was way too cute!! 💕
LOOOOVED the Elmo costume! Era demasido comico y cuchi! Provoca consentirlo!
My favorite was Jack Sparrow!! Love the look you created by the way. Instagram-yresendez66
My fav was Elmo ❤️❤️❤️
Instagram: dailydoseofeva
I loooved the Elmo costume! He looked very cute and the video you made ohhh😩! I wasn’t very into halloween that much until I had my daughter! Besos!
Elmo costume was my fave!!❤️
Enzo is the cutest!
Instagram: helmiloviisamarjala
I loved the jack sparrow costume! 💙 where did you get both of them? But definitely Elmo was perfect for Enzo! Loved his reaction!
LOVE star is born makeup! Enzo in Elmo was the cutest! Next year maybe something w DC or Marvel?
Me encanto! En especial que es algo muy cute y elegante. Amo a Elmo y a Enzo pues mucho mas es un guapisimo bebe con su propio estilo! Gracias por dar variedad, aceves como mama nos olvidamos de muchas cosas como darnos nuestro propio tiempo .
Saludos, Carla
Pirate was amazing! He looked so cute!
How about Harry Potter or a Sugar Skull next year? 🙈
You look so beautiful!!!!And Enzo is so cute with both costumes!!!I cant really decide wich one was the best!!He is amazing!!!!I have two girls ,4 an 2,5 years old!kisses from all of us!!!
Beautiful look! Wish I could recreate this!
Me encantó! My favorite Enzo Halloween costume was Elmo, he looked so cute!
Maybe next year you could dress him up as something funny like a sushi roll!
Love this look!! I love Halloween but wasn’t really able to celebrate this year. I’m a big fan of making my own costumes, just makes it a fun tradition for Halloween. Ideas for Enzo for next year: Hot air ballon- just buy a basket big enough (and comfortable) for him to fit and cut the bottom so he’s able to walk lol. Then buy ballons filled with helium (so they stay up) and tie them around the basket to give the look of a h담양출장샵ot air ballon. You can dress him with a colorful shirt and aviator hat with googles to finish the look! He’ll look super cute and should be a hit!
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