

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all to a great start of the week! If you follow me around on social media you have seen these shoes before. I bought them a couple weeks ago and have not stopped using them since! Weird fact for you all, I receive more compliments on them from guys than from girls! It’s almost as if they have never seen anything quite like it. I enjoy it every time! I decided to pair them up with this super cute skirt and sweater. It’s an unusual combination to mix tweed and wool but with this crazy weather it works perfectly!

I recently announced on Instagram that I will be doing a Q&A soon, so before you you go, let me know if there is anything you would like to know about me? I look forward to hearing from you xx, p. IMG_7124 IMG_7130 IMG_7127 IMG_7126 IMG_7132 IMG_7129

Processed with VSCO with a7 preset

IMG_7123 IMG_7131 IMG_7128Wearing: Skirt  | Sweater | Shoes | Sunglasses | Handbag 



  1. Amanda
    April 4, 2016 / 5:18 am

    I love the whole outfit! How did you get started blogging? Also, do you have a degree in fashion, or are you self taught?

  2. Sahra
    April 4, 2016 / 11:37 am

    seriously you are the epitome of cool girl style

    XO Sahra
    Que Sera Sahra

    • jellomega
      September 21, 2022 / 1:28 am

      At first I was skeptical, but now I can’t get enough of driving directions them. They can make even the most comfortable clothes seem sophisticated.

  3. April 4, 2016 / 1:46 pm

    I would love to know about your camera and lens that you use! I love your pictures!! Who takes your pictures?
    Thank you!
    Kelly Nelson

  4. Jordan DeVille
    April 4, 2016 / 4:39 pm

    Please share how you maintain such long, healthy looking hair! In the process of growing mine back out and need some good shampoo/condition recommendations!

  5. September 2, 2023 / 10:12 am

    Please share how you maintain such long, healthy lo나주출장샵oking hair! In the process of growing mine back out and need some good shampoo/condition recommendations!

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